Claire-ifications ​

God has blessed us abundantly throughout our lives and our relationship together. This is a space to share some of those blessings and where he has been leading us lately. 

The Smiling Saint

The Smiling Saint On Saturday we visited the Sanctuary of Saint Ursula Ledochowska in Pniewy, a small town near the city of Poznan.  Sr. Mary

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Faith Everywhere

Faith Everywhere As we finish up our third week in Poland I am contemplating  all we have seen and done in this truly  Catholic country. 

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Settling In

Settling In We spent the weekend trying to settle in to our place at The Society of Christ House and caught up on our sleep.

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A Special Day

A Special Day Today, April 27th is John’s birthday. I thank God for creating him and giving him to me as my husband and partner

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The Beginning

The Beginning “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He

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