The Communion of Saints

 John has gotten all his grades in and is trying to finish up the lectures that he will be doing in Poznan. He tells me that part of packing is getting all his files loaded onto the computer so he can work on the plane. I will be happy when I start seeing him put things in his suitcase. I am a bit more ready for the trip, so I was able to make it over to Adoration this afternoon.

Over the last few years I have found myself spending more time in quiet prayer– praying rosaries and chaplets, interceding for many people. I really enjoy the quiet time in Adoration and the chance to pray for those who are suffering, for the conversion  of family members ,and the conversion of all sinners throughout the world. John and I walk together everyday and we pray our rosary, for all couples engaged to be married, those who are expecting a child and those couples who are struggling with infertility and desire so much to have a child, for those who are suffering with alcoholism and drug addiction as well as those with depression and anxiety, and for all the people who are lonely and don’t know that they are loved. 

As I sat in Adoration this afternoon I was reminded that I am not alone.  I am surrounded by the Communion of Saints, Mother Mary and St. Joseph and all the Saints  who have gone before us to be with Jesus are interceding with us, as well as our precious little St Eleanor Rose. We would love to bring your prayer intentions with us as we go to all the Holy places in Poland. Please feel free to email them to us by going to the contact page above and clicking on our email. 

St Eleanor,  pray for us!