The Smiling Saint

On Saturday we visited the Sanctuary of Saint Ursula Ledochowska in Pniewy, a small town near the city of Poznan.  Sr. Mary Ursula  of Jesus was the Foundress of The Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of the Agonized Heart of Jesus. Her incorrupt body is buried here.  On May 18, 2003 John Paul II canonized Mother Ursula and on March 5, 2009 the Senate of the Republic of Poland passed a resolution concerning the 70th anniversary of her death and proclaimed her as an exemplary patriot.

The more I learn about St. Ursula the more I think that she is becoming my new Saint friend and that I want to start asking her to intercede for me as I follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance to evangelize others.  Mother Ursula told her sisters to love God above all, and to live a life of simplicity, humility, self-sacrifice, and creativity in serving others.  She regarded  smiling, serenity, and kindness as the most credible proof of being united with Christ.  She taught that holiness is accessible to everyone and is based on deep love of God and others, shown in performance of everyday duties. When she died those who knew her said:  “A Saint has passed away…”   She is referred to as “The Smiling Saint.”

“Oh Lord, let me be like a ray of sunshine that brings comfort and joy everywhere, which everywhere proclaims Your glory and goodness, which is like your smile,        O Lord Eternal One” (St. Ursula).             

Saint Ursula,  pray for us!