Faith Everywhere

As we finish up our third week in Poland I am contemplating  all we have seen and done in this truly  Catholic country.  It has been an amazing trip as we experience so many different parts of the country, churches and cathedrals, universities and seminaries, deserts and salt mines, cities and small villages, medieval castles and palaces. What really stands out the most to me is how the faith of the people is evident everywhere. Of course you see it in the churches and in the homes, but it is also so visible in public places. There are pictures and statues of the Blessed Mother and of Jesus on buildings and even on street corners, not just in the small villages but in the cities. There are statues of Saints all over the place. We see St John Paul II and St Faustina  everywhere as well as the Divine Mercy image of Jesus and the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Little girls and boys wear their white first communion outfits everywhere. The people of Poland are proud of their history and their faith in God and are not afraid to show it.